Translation is a multi-billion industry, and given the business opportunities—web site localization, legal document translation, technical and software translation, multimedia translation—a multitude of language service providers are flocking the sphere. However, as quality and time-bound translation services require core competencies, which are hard to come by, and professionalism, only a few have capabilities to offer quality translations.

Therefore, it is important for a client to identify the most proficient operators, be it less common French Chinese translation or frequent English Chinese or Japanese translation. Here we discuss a number of factors that can help clients navigate through an array of companies, and identify a quality language service provider.

Human-based translation

The technology has not reached the state where it could solve all language translation challenges. Therefore, if a service provider promises software-based translation or crowd-sourced translations, without human intervention, it is better to be wary of such companies. Always look for operators that have a competent in-house team of professionals.


French-Chinese translation, German-Chinese/Japanese translation, or English-Chinese/Japanese translation are considered one of the most difficult, as both Chinese and Japanese, unlike English or German, do not have 26 letters, but have thousands of characters. Therefore, a company offering such services must have a team of linguists on board, with suitable qualification.

Native speaker

Culture varies around the world, and it is quintessential that translation is culturally appropriated, as failing to do so can be catastrophic for clients. Thus, all competent translation service providers hire native speakers who could make translation culturally acceptable.

Past work experience

Always look for a company that has served clients of variable verticals. Moreover, professional service providers work within the scope of turnaround time contracts, while managing different translation projects, be it German Chinese translation, English-Japanese or any other language translation, at once. Therefore, always look for one that has enough experience of delivering quality translation with the deadlines.

Certified translation

The services provided by a company should adhere to global standards. In this industry, the gold standard is EN 15038, so a company conforming to this standard is more likely to deliver quality service.

All these factors can clients help separate proficient language service providers from the clutter mushrooming on the Internet.