The Book of Languages - Bulgarian

Bulgarian might not be the first language you think of studying, but it’s full of surprises. Spoken by millions in Bulgaria and scattered communities worldwide, it’s the country’s national language and a unique member of the Slavic language family. What makes Bulgarian special? It’s got a blend of traditional Slavic roots and a dash of influence from its neighbors and history.

Bulgarian has an old soul with a modern twist. It evolved from Old Church Slavonic, the first literary Slavic language, influenced heavily by Bulgarian dialects. Fast forward through history, and you’ll see Bulgarian picking up bits and pieces from Greek, Turkish, and even French and English. It’s like a linguistic sponge, absorbing everything around it.

The Book of Languages - Bulgarian


Bulgarian boasts some truly special words that showcase its uniqueness. For example, there’s “здрач” (zdrach), which describes the twilight or the dim light just after sunset – a specific time of day captured in just one word. And for a touch of Bulgarian humor, consider “тарикат” (tarikat), a word for someone who’s crafty or cunning, often in a cheeky, endearing way. 

The Book of Languages - Bulgarian

Now, here’s where Bulgarian stands out. It’s the only Slavic language with articles (like ‘the’ and ‘a’ in English), but they’re attached to the end of words as suffixes. Plus, Bulgarian ditched the case system that most Slavic languages have, making its grammar a bit easier to handle. And let’s not forget the verb system – it’s got a nuanced way of expressing how an action unfolds over time, which is pretty neat.

The Book of Languages - Bulgarian

Bulgarian isn’t just for textbooks – it’s alive in vibrant folk music, dance, and traditions that have been around for centuries. It’s also the language of modern pop culture, literature, and the daily chatter on the streets of Sofia, Plovdiv, and beyond. Dive into Bulgarian cinema or music, and you’ll get a taste of the language’s rhythmic beauty.

Thinking about learning Bulgarian? Go for it! While it has a few quirks, like any good language does, it’s more accessible than you might think. There are online courses, language apps, and community classes that make diving into Bulgarian fun and engaging. Plus, learning Bulgarian opens up a window to understanding other Slavic languages and exploring a region rich in history and culture.

The Book of Languages - Bulgarian